All functions |
Adds column to BayesTools table |
Model-average marginal posterior distributions and marginal Bayes factors based on BayesTools JAGS model via |
Export BayesTools JAGS model posterior distribution as model-average posterior distributions via |
BayesTools |
Create BayesTools ensemble summary tables |
Create BayesTools model tables |
Create a 'bridgesampling' object |
Check input |
Independent contrast matrix |
Mean difference contrast matrix |
Orthornomal contrast matrix |
Prior density |
Compute posterior probabilities and inclusion Bayes factors |
Format Bayes factor |
Add prior object to a ggplot |
Add list of prior objects to a plot |
Compute inclusion Bayes factors |
Interpret ensemble inference and estimates |
Reports whether x is a a prior object |
Add 'JAGS' prior |
Compute marginal likelihood of a 'JAGS' model |
Prepare 'JAGS' posterior for 'bridgesampling' |
Check and list 'JAGS' fitting settings |
Assess convergence of a runjags model |
Plot diagnostics of a 'JAGS' model |
Evaluate JAGS formula using posterior samples |
Fits a 'JAGS' model |
Create JAGS formula syntax and data object |
Create initial values for 'JAGS' model |
Extract parameters for 'JAGS' priors |
Compute marginal likelihood for 'JAGS' priors |
Create list of monitored parameters for 'JAGS' model |
Kitchen Rolls data from wagenmakers2015turning;textualBayesTools replication study. |
Add prior object to a plot |
Add list of prior objects to a plot |
Model-average marginal posterior distributions and marginal Bayes factors |
Model-average marginal posterior distributions |
Prior mean |
Model-average posterior distributions |
Multivariate point mass distribution |
Clean parameter names from JAGS |
Plots a prior object |
Plot samples from the marginal posterior distributions |
Plot estimates from models |
Plot samples from the mixed posterior distributions |
Plot a list of prior distributions |
Point mass distribution |
Print a BayesTools table |
Prints a prior object |
Creates a prior distribution |
Creates a prior distribution for factors |
Elementary prior related functions |
Creates generics for common statistical functions |
Creates an informed prior distribution based on research |
Names of medical subfields from the Cochrane database of systematic reviews |
Creates a mixture of prior distributions |
Creates a prior distribution for PET or PEESE models |
Creates a spike and slab prior distribution |
Creates a prior distribution for a weight function |
Prior range |
Removes column to BayesTools table |
Compute Savage-Dickey inclusion Bayes factors |
Prior sd |
Creates generic for sd function |
Transform factor posterior samples into differences from the mean |
Transform meandif posterior samples into differences from the mean |
Transform orthonomal posterior samples into differences from the mean |
Updates BayesTools table |
Prior var |
Creates generic for var function |
Weight functions |
Create coefficient mapping between multiple weightfunctions |