creates summary tables for a
RoBTT object.
a fitted 'RoBTT' object
whether to show the overall 'RoBTT' results ("ensemble"
an overview of the individual models ("models"
), an overview of
the individual models MCMC diagnostics ("diagnostics"
), or a detailed summary
of the individual models ("individual"
). Can be abbreviated to first letters.
show the conditional estimates (assuming that the
alternative is true). Defaults to FALSE
. Only available for
type == "conditional"
show the model-averaged mean and standard deviation estimates for each group.
quantiles of the posterior samples to be displayed.
Defaults to c(.025, .975)
show log of Bayes factors. Defaults to FALSE
show Bayes factors in support of the null hypotheses. Defaults to
whether priors names should be shortened to the first
(couple) of letters. Defaults to FALSE
whether spike prior distributions with location at zero should
be omitted from the summary. Defaults to FALSE
additional arguments
returns a list of tables of class 'BayesTools_table'.
if (FALSE) {
# using the example data from Darwin
data("fertilization", package = "RoBTT")
fit <- RoBTT(
x1 = fertilization$Self,
x2 = fertilization$Crossed,
prior_delta = prior("cauchy", list(0, 1/sqrt(2))),
prior_rho = prior("beta", list(3, 3)),
seed = 1,
chains = 1,
warmup = 1000,
iter = 2000,
control = set_control(adapt_delta = 0.95)
# summary can provide many details about the model
# estimates from the conditional models can be obtained with
summary(fit, conditional = TRUE)
# overview of the models and their prior and posterior probability, marginal likelihood,
# and inclusion Bayes factor can be obtained with
summary(fit, type = "models")
# diagnostics overview, containing the maximum R-hat, minimum ESS, maximum MCMC error, and
# maximum MCMC error / sd across parameters for each individual model can be obtained with
summary(fit, type = "diagnostics")
# summary of individual models and their parameters can be further obtained by
summary(fit, type = "individual")