plot.RoBTT allows to visualize different "RoBTT" object parameters in various ways. See type for the different model types.

# S3 method for RoBTT
  parameter = "mu",
  transform_rho = FALSE,
  conditional = FALSE,
  plot_type = "base",
  prior = FALSE,
  dots_prior = NULL,



a fitted 'RoBTT' object


a parameter to be plotted. Defaults to "delta" (for the effect size). The additional options are "rho" (for the heterogeneity), "nu" (for the degrees of freedom).


whether rho parameter should be translated into log standard deviation ratio


whether conditional estimates should be plotted. Defaults to FALSE which plots the model-averaged estimates.


whether to use a base plot "base" or ggplot2 "ggplot" for plotting. Defaults to "base".


whether prior distribution should be added to figure. Defaults to FALSE.


list of additional graphical arguments to be passed to the plotting function of the prior distribution. Supported arguments are lwd, lty, col, and col.fill, to adjust the line thickness, line type, line color, and fill color of the prior distribution respectively.


list of additional graphical arguments to be passed to the plotting function. Supported arguments are lwd, lty, col, col.fill, xlab, ylab, main, xlim, ylim to adjust the line thickness, line type, line color, fill color, x-label, y-label, title, x-axis range, and y-axis range respectively.


plot.RoBTT returns either NULL if plot_type = "base"

or an object object of class 'ggplot2' if plot_type = "ggplot2".

See also


if (FALSE) {
data("fertilization", package = "RoBTT")
fit <- RoBTT(
  x1       = fertilization$Self,
  x2       = fertilization$Crossed,
  prior_delta = prior("cauchy", list(0, 1/sqrt(2))),
  prior_rho   = prior("beta",   list(3, 3)),
  seed        = 1, 
  chains      = 1,
  warmup      = 1000,
  iter        = 2000,
  control     = set_control(adapt_delta = 0.95)

# plot the model-averaged effect size estimate
plot(fit, parameter = "delta")

# plot prior and posterior of the conditional effect size estimate
plot(fit, parameter = "delta", conditional = TRUE, prior = TRUE)